Are you tired, weary, or overwhelmed?

Then this post is for you, my friend. OK, let’s start at the beginning.  What exactly is Christ-Centered Slow Living? 

Our culture has a love affair with being busy.  I believe we are not alone and many places around the globe also have “busy” built into their DNA.  In other words, this causes a problem over time and the quality of life of God’s created people diminishes.  We were never created to be busy.  Yes, we have busy days and even busy seasons, however, human beings were never meant to be able to sustain this kind of physical, emotional, and spiritual demand upon our lives.  This kind of living leads to a constant state of overwhelm.

Christ-Centered Slow Living means intentionally choosing to make God the core of your life. It means prioritizing prayer, God’s Word, and pursuing His will over lesser things.  It does not look the same for every person, and that is a part of its enticing beauty.  No two people were created the same.  We have different purposes, skills, giftings, energy levels, and personalities, and are in various life stages.  Above all, the comforting truth is that Christ-Centered Slow Living will benefit every individual and especially bless families pursuing this lifestyle!


Christ-Centered Slow Living



As you make time to actively seek God in everything from your daily schedule, marriage to your finances, and most importantly your relationship with Jesus and others. Something lovely begins to happen! Christ-Centered Slow Living calls for a more intentional approach to life and rejects the idea that being busy means you’re important, to be rich only applies to finances, or that you and your family must keep pace with the relentless pressures of this fallen world. In other words, it prioritizes God’s will, spoken in and through His Word, choosing relationships above activity, saying no to good things so you can pursue God’s plan, experiencing stillness, joy, God’s awe-inspiring creation, and the sweetness of peace.

Living with intention allows you to get off the draining treadmill and ask God to determine your pace, question your need to accumulate more of everything, and enjoy your Savior in a deeper way.   It allows you to glorify God in all you do and enjoy your relationship with Him.

Now, I have to let you in on a little secret, I am a recovering busy person.  I had to learn these truths the hard way. Being diagnosed with my seventh autoimmune disease did the trick and stopped me in my tracks. That said, pursuing this lifestyle has been the best decision my husband and I have ever made.  It has literally changed everything. 

Learning how to practice spiritual disciplines has been another avenue to reduce stress and prioritize holiness in our family’s life.  

Similarly, to disentangle this intangible idea into a palpable one, imagine the life of Christ. Christ-Centered Slow living is the lifestyle we see depicted in the Bible. Though we live in a very different culture we are still able to glean truth from God’s Word and apply it to our daily lives. In addition, you may want to explore the character qualities of Jesus as a starting point.  The very words that describe Jesus are the foundation of this form of slow living.  


Interested in more articles about Christ-Centered Slow Living?  Click HERE!  



Your Turn…

What is one slow, small, step you can take today toward Christ-Centered Slow Living? 



Janelle Esker

Janelle Esker is the grateful wife of Michael and homeschooling mother of six amazing children. She lives with her family, 4 cats, 1 dog, 3 ducks and 12 chickens in scenic Ohio. Janelle received her B.A. in Education from Ohio Northern University. She is the author of CHOSEN: One Family's Journey with Autism.

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  1. […] hear the term Christ-Centered Slow Living a lot around here, simply it is the lifestyle we see depicted in the Bible and although we live in […]

  2. I love this! I am also on this journey towards a Christ-filled, slow living lifestyle. I’m so happy to know that I am not alone!

    1. Hi Espi,
      Thank you so much for the encouraging words and I am so glad you found the article helpful. I’m glad we are on the same journey!

  3. Your blog is lovely and encouraging Thank you so much Bonnie

    1. You are so kind, Bonnie! I am thankful you are finding it helpful!

  4. I love the idea of a Christ-centered slow living. It’s a beautiful way to live a more intentional and fulfilling life. I’m inspired to make more time for God and His Word. 🙌🏾🩷

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment, Latoya! It’s been transformative for me. I hope you will enjoy all the articles here at The Peaceful Haven about Christ-Centered Slow Living!

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